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Latest News

December 1,2006

It has been some time since has had a new look. Also, we have been receiving comments on what people do and do not like about current layout and color schema. For all the comments and suggestions have been looked at and with them we have a NEW on the way.

Now you can see what will be happening to in the coming months.Some day soon the new will be poping up so keep an eye out!

October 17,2006

Everybody has a voice. For a while it seemed that the support team at forgot to turn on their ears and your voices were not heard. But, we have turned up our listening devices, put on a fresh pot of coffee, and are now ready to listen to what YOU have to say!

If you have problems, questions, suggestions, or you just want to see if we really are listening, please feel free to send us an email!

It's fast (usually within a few hours), free, and always available. So, voice that opinion! Let us know what you REALLY think.

September 6,2006

Have you ever wondered how we at get the word out about our free service? Do we advertise? Do we spam? No! Our only form of advertisement is word of mouth. That's right, you are the only way we can grow! So the next time you see a friend, enemy, family member, or an alien from Mars, tell them about! You don't want to hog all that goodness for yourself, do you?

September 7,2006

Sometimes, no news is the best news you can get. And that is the story here at this week.

Rest assured, that doesn't mean we are just sitting around. We continue to work on improvements to, actively upgrading database, and do our best to respond to your questions with timely answers.

So, as always, if you have a question, problem, suggestions, or just want to say, "Hi!", just drop us an email at We'd love to hear from you!

So, as always, if you have a question, problem, suggestions, or just want to say, "Hi!", just drop us an email at or use the feedback form below... We'd love to hear from you!

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